Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Passion 06 DVD: Does it Work?

Recently I watched the DVD filmed at Passion 06, called Everything Glorious. This Christian worship DVD featured many songs, most of which were modern and up-to-date. But did it broadcast the true Christian message through contemporary music, or did it only direct people further away from Christianity? There were many appealing features on the DVD; even the title screen was modern. The video was a good style to introduce young people to the gospel through music styles they listen to and like. The song 'Jesus Paid it All' by Kristian Stanfill was a modernised hymn, but stayed traditional, appealing to the older generations. This song featured a symbolic cross representing the death of Jesus and also had many candles to keep the traditional feeling. Profane elements made sacred due to their meaning, like the cross and candles, really created a deep spiritual atmosphere. This song really created a feeling of ‘going forward, but staying vintage’. The song ‘Made to Worship’ by Chris Tomlin was a contemporary song with strong lyrics, making the listener think about them. This song has profane elements in it like the instruments, which help the audience connect with their God through the song, acting as an axis mundi. I think this worship DVD was effective and portrayed an authentic message, and therefore it was successful. This DVD is an excellent medium to present the gospel with a modern twist.

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